of Nazareth shield accused nun
Sister Bernard Mary
Sisters of Nazareth yesterday moved to protect a senior nun accused of sexual and physical attacks on children at a Brisbane
orphanage many years ago, refusing to reveal her whereabouts.
Sr Clare Breen, leader of the congregation in Australia
and New Zealand, refused to say where the nun was or supply a contact number.
"I just don't think it's fair to be telling
people where she is at this stage," Sr Clare said.
Sr Clare said the nun was interviewed by Queensland Police in 1999,
after 17 former residents of Nazareth House in the Brisbane suburb of Wynnum filed Supreme Court writs claiming they were
sexually or physically abused by nuns at the home in the 1950s and 1960s.
Police did not lay charges and the allegations
were settled out of court last year, when the Sisters of Nazareth agreed to pay amounts ranging to 16 women and one
man. The senior nun, accused of raping one girl with a flagstick, beating other girls and molesting some of them, is one of
four of the accused nuns who are still alive.
LINKS Abuse spotlight on Sisters of Nazareth (29/8/02) Sisters
of Nazareth Breach of Faith (The Bulletin) Orphanage abuse allegations (ABC Radio ´AM´) Australian nuns in sex abuse
spotlight (CNN)