The Path to Healing
Now not once have we seen this been followed through
and the priest are
let lose on innocent children
again and again
and I repeat this
as my friends in New Zealand
said to our lawyers.
Once a pedophile always a pedophile.
You have to
walk in our shoes to feel our pain.
You see, when you come out of a room
after you have been raped,
you see
no one and you walk no where,
because the pain is so great
and after
people have seen the blood
they do not see the child's face of shame
and torment,
never again to be an innocent child
and never again to
trust anyone.
How do
you think we can forgive
after what was done to us as little
innocent children?
and this is why we call on God to forgive,
because we can not.
We live our lives of shame for the rest of our lives
and I for one
will never be alone with a priest ever again.
yes, I am going to see a counselor next week,
so please God I will
be helped to see things in
a different light.
I can not for the life of
think how a priest
can do what they did to children and not a thing is
done about it.
Where is the justice in this
and we see these priest go
out to do it again and
I found out in 1997 at
a Reunion of the
first orphanage I was at, when
a women came up
to me
and told me after 40 years that she knew three
of the eight women who sexually abused me
and then I was to find out
that I was not the only
they had picked out to sexually abuse each
This sexual abuse by the same women
had gone on for many years
and you know I left
because of the fear of someone coming
up to me
and saying this to me
and would you believe it, that is just
what happened.
I was so gutted It killed me
and still is tormenting
Sexual abuse
of babies
and little innocent children is such a
I can not put this into words
because no words on
this earth
are bad enough to describe how I am feeling right now.
I am so lost
and I have lost my soul with My God
and I don't know what to do
because they have sent
the two priest away
whom I have
seen and one of them I had just got
to know
and I was starting to look
forward to see him again.
But that will never happen because they have
him away from town
and he is hundreds of miles away.
He was a gentle
and I could see how children looked up to him.
I thought to myself,
this priest will be the start for me
to see at long
last the true faith
which I could see through him
how he loved his God
and he spoke of God,
with love
and he talked of God,
in ways I had
never heard before.
It was like my God and his God
were two different Gods.
His God was love while my God was hate.
Now I will never know the
really true God Fr, Mike
talked about
with love.