I know most priest's and nuns
mean well and that they will help
if they can
but there is this block which is the Catholic Church.
Because not like Rev. Fr. Doyle
and the two nuns on the Hill
they do not want
to be seen doing wrong
in the eyes of the Mother Church.
So therefore they take the part of the abusers
which is so wrong in the eyes of God.
I am sure these priest's and nuns
must know that when they face God,
they too will be cast aside like the abusers,
because in God's eyes they have abused children
just like the priest's/nuns
who abused little innocent children.
I want acknowledgment
to the abuse to me
and I want the truth to come out.
So why don't the Nazareth House nuns
tell the world
what was said at the mediation to me
because they know the truth
They should let their
and God guide their pen
with the truth of what was said at the mediation 2003
In telling the world about the nun who told them YES
she did abuse me
and that she saw other nuns also abuse me
She said that the 1950's were so bad for us children.
And still they let their lawyers do the talking for them
which is only half truths.
When we were little children the nuns
would tell us what not to say to the visitors
and now it is like reverse psychology
which the nuns lawyers tell the nuns
what to say to the papers
and TV.
The nuns know the truth,
as they told me the truth at the mediation in 2003
but when it comes to telling the public
they revert back to
telling their lies.
How can they live with themselves?.
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