????the Successor of the Fisherman of Galilee counts on your faithful cooperation;
he asks you to accompany him in prayer, while he invokes the Holy Spirit so that the communion among those whom the Lord 'has
elected vicars of His son and has made pastors' may never be broken." "The deep red of the cardinal's robe evokes the color
of blood and recalls the heroism of the martyrs. It is the symbol of love for Jesus and for His Church, a love which knows
no limits: love even to the point of sacrificing one's life, 'usage ad sanguinis effusionem'." "For this reason, the gift
that you receive is great, as is the responsibility that it comes with it."
Now these new Cardinal's are the elected vicars of Jesus and the catholic church......... ["For this
reason, the gift that you receive is great, as is the responsibility that it comes with it."]
Will they protect the children as Jesus did? Or will they turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to our calls
of help or will they now take notice of the truth we tell them, As these are the Bishops we have already told of the abuse
and sexual abuse to, that went on in these evil orphanages.
["The deep red of the cardinal's robe evokes the color of blood and recalls the heroism of the martyrs.
It is the symbol of love for Jesus and for His Church, a love which knows no limits: love even to the point of sacrificing
one's life,]
We the abuse children of the catholic orphanages are the Heroes and Martyrs of the church today, as
our blood was shed so many times a day on ends and for many, many years. We now want acknowledgment for the abuse which was
done to us and these Cardinals who already know about it when they were Bishops, should now do something about it.
We need to heal.
[It is the symbol of love for Jesus and for His Church, a love which knows no limits: love even to
the point of sacrificing one's life,
We children received no love and our sacrifice to God each day, was great as we suffered in
silence. And all the abuse that was done to us, was done in the name of God.