Hi All,
I would like to see some support here
from you all for the priest
who stood his ground
and told the truth.
I want you all to stand by this priest
who has stood by the truth
of the Canon Law
and has help many men
over in USA
and he has helped many more
whom we do not know arould the world.
We do need your support for this priest
and I know
there are many other priests & nuns
who have helped us suvivers.
So please,
I as you now for your support
for Rev. Fr. Thomas Doyle
and below
another priest
who has sent this email to me
and world wide in support
of this poor priest
who is not allowed to celebrate the Holy Mass
because he told the truth.
We must all stand by him,
let him know
we are there beside him
and we walk with him,
we support him.
Ann Thompson
My dear
brothers and Sisters
we are in full support of Rev Fr. Thomas Doyle
one of our brave brothers
who is not afraid to speak the truth,
we need more Priests and Nuns
to come out with out fear
and do the right thing.
A person is just as guilty
if he or she knows the truth
of any kind of abuse to anyone
and says nothing about the
Greater than any Canon Law
is the Word of God
when he gave Moses the 10 Commandment.
Beware to those who hide the truth,
For Our Lord all ready knows the truth.